On Thursday 3/16/17 I planted my Cajun Pocket Prairie. I used a variety of seed from a local source and from Native American seed. The area I have planted is an old cattle and sheep pasture. It is near a gully(drainage stream). I know I have planted late but hopefully i can get some seeds to take and and lay some roots in the ground. I have been watering every day or so since it has been dry to get seeds to germinate. Hopefully in a few days some seed will start to germinate.
Either tonight or tommorow I will make a list of current seed planted. Along with progress of a wildflower garden my Fiancé and I are also working on. GG
This past week has been super dry here in southwest Louisiana. Ever since I planted last Thursday I've been having to water quiet often. This past weekend I was in Goodbee Louisiana at my Inlaws and there is a savana remnant in a cow pasture that gets cut once a year. This year I rescued a few Broomsedge blue stems to transplant into my prairie and the wildflower patch. The wildflower patch was planted about 5 days prior to my prairie. It was some seed that was gifted to me from my brother out of Fredricksburg Texas for the coast area. There is a ton of plants popping up. We are very excited on what flowers they could be. I had also thrown some yellow and purple coneflower seed in there. My prairie has had about 50 species of plants. Little Bluestem American Aloe Aster Balsamscale Big bluestem Broomsedge Bluestem Brownseed Paspalum Bushy Bluestem croton Epazote Flordia Paspalum Gayfeather Giant Coneflower Gumweed Hairawn Mulhy Grass Horned Beaksedge indiangrass lanceleaf Coreopsis longspike tridens Marah elder native sedge partrige pea prairie agalinis purpletop pasalum red lovegrass rattlesnake master sunflower smartweed sage seacoast little bluestem slim tridens splitbeard bluestem sumpweed switchgrass tall dropseed tall goldenrod three awn vervain mamou plant compass plant easterngamma grass mountain mint swamp sunflower black eye susan I'm sure I missed some but that's the just of them! local seed source native American seed source broomsedge bluestem transplant in prairie prairie with Broomsedge bluestem transplants wildflower garden with Broomsedge bluestem transplants wildflower plants coming
Its 4//6/17 and I'm finally starting to get my first plants emerging within the bed of nutsedge! I have no idea what they are, but nonetheless I'm happy. Progress is showing.
Little Cajun Pocket Prairieby Gavin Guidry
Southwest Louisiana |